Content is King and Queen

Creating the 'content' vision for your online learning community

Creativity and Innovation: A Lens On Life

How often do we look at things with fresh eyes? With a new purpose and intention? Too often we all get caught and stuck in our own life movies.

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What Does It Mean To Engage?

The word engagement can be a bit ubiquitous, particularly when we talk about its online version. People enjoy throwing that word around like a hot cake, which certainly does not help. I’d like to meditate on the true essence of Engagement and why it is meaningful in online communities especially.

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Nurturing your community online

There are so many ways that we define community these days, it’s important that we stay connected to what a community truly means. For me, the simple action of ‘communing’ comes to mind.

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Fresh Eyes & New Beginnings

Learn some simple and effective incremental steps we can take to actualize desired change in our life direction.

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Gratitude & Dreams

Hear about how connection leads to strong outcomes for a human centered learning platform.

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